128-Bit Kernel Support in Windows 8 and Windows 9: A Big, Fat Lie
>> Monday, December 14, 2009
Caveat: I’ve been sitting on the information contained in this post for a while now, bu
t it's finally perturbed me to put it out there for all of you (and myself, for that matter). If you would be so kind as to help spread the word, that would be great as the lie has spread like wildfire and taken on various forms, such as sites now reporting that Windows 8 will be 128-bit (ridiculous). Not only that, but the perpetrator that started this mess needs to be called out with fair warning given to all. What you select to believe by the finish of this post will be up to you, but my intentions here are to help sift out the garbage in a community full of journalists who – like me – truly bust their butts to bring you solid, distinctive, and honest content.
Most of you may recall the “exclusive” I posted on this 2 months ago now. As most of you may also recall, I’m no stranger to the LinkedIn profile browsing. Well, when I found Mr. Robert Morgan’s profile, I got WAY excited for my own lovely. I whipped up that post as soon as I could, then took a step back to see if someone else had found it. Well, as it had turned out, sometime like a week earlier, it had been, “found” by blog.eightforums.com (I’ve linked the Google cached page for that link in case they try to delete it and play none-the-wiser, as you can already compare it to the post on their page today to see that they deleted my comments calling them out on the issue). I say “found” because – as it turns out – it wasn’t found at all. It was fabricated. Everything on that profile was garbage, and when you read back at what his job description said, it does indeed look like something a “journalist” would write so as to generate one hell of a scoop. Check it out again:
Senior Research & Development Microsoft
Public Company; MSFT; Computer Program industry
January 2002 – Present (7 years 10 months)
Working in high security department for research and development involving strategic planning for medium and longterm projects. Research & Development projects including 128bit architecture compatibility with the Windows 8 kernel and Windows 9 project plan. Forming relationships with major partners: Intel, AMD, HP and IBM.
Let’s critique this, shall they? First off, “working in a high-security department for research and development” is something that no employee working in those conditions would -in their right mind – write in their profile. I’ve seen some brilliant things pop up in people’s job profiles, but nothing so blatant. Second, Research and Development isn’t the Windows team. Each is its own department with its own funding and its own projects. At BEST, Windows 9 MIGHT be accurate here (as in, Research and Development is working on technologies that may make it in to Windows much later), but it’s not. If someone is going to be working on a 128-bit kernel for Windows, it’s going to be the architecture side of the Windows core team (David Cutler’s crew, etc.); not MSR.
I don’t think 128-bit is in the scope of someone for the next 7-10 years. After all, 64-bit is never properly utilized these days – nevermind dropping 128-bit in to the laps of devs and consumers! And that brings up another point… at best, 128-bit would exist only for select industries that could truly use it right now. AMD’s Bulldozer project is real, but it's absolutely nothing to do with Windows 8 or, I would imagine, Windows 9, either.
Alright, so… let’s assume that profile was indeed real. blog.eightforums.com was certainly enjoying the traffic off of their initial “find.” As a matter of fact, they somehow managed to land an exclusive interview with the guy afterwards! One time again, I’ve linked to the Google cached page for the same reason I did a few paragraphs ago. So… whatever happened with that interview, anyway? What happened with it is that it was one great massive elderly pile of BS, that’s what happened with it! It was a massive, fat lie (along with the cake, of work).
Yes, your supposedly down-right and honest Windows 8 market-cornering buddies over at eightforums managed to pull the wool over the eyes of every major news site out there. Unfortunately, minor details lined up for those like me to jump the gun and post what they did, when they did and without ever verifying if this guy was even an employee in the first place. This stuff happens sometimes and, well, I don’t take kindly to it. thinking about how much time and hard work I know I put in to bringing you all the content that I do – nevermind how much time and hard work the limitless other real journalists around the community put in! Not only that, but stuff like this makes a mockery of the credibility of the sites you know and trust. We’re as human as you are, though, so I’m one who is fully willing to say, “hey, this guy fooled me and I’m sorry they ended up fooling you, , vicariously through my post.”
Now, a couple of days or so after all of this stuff went global, I noticed a couple of my respected peers make some comments on this story that started to make me take a second look at it all. First, Paul Thurrott said the following:
Windows 8 To Be 128-bit Only? LOL
Wow. I must admit, the most brilliant thing about this rumor is that someone believed it. I won’t single someone out, but spare me. It’s and utterly bogus. Obviously.
The fact that this all got around to him in the form that Windows 8 was going to be *ONLY* was baffling for me, nevermind seeing the next hit being doled out by one Steven Bink of bink.nu:
Bink says: Sorry but this is BS so to say. They are still in the transition to 64bit, That Morgan guy does not exits at MS
By that time, I immediately thought back to the shite I had already called out the eightforums people on and then… it all made much sense that they would be the ones to fabricate garbage like this. At this point, I have now also verified (thanks to one kind Microsoft folks for checking for me) that Robert Morgan is/was nowhere to be found in the employee database. It was all a load of shite created by a site desperate for traffic and attention. They throw up frivolous posts to somehow meander Windows 8 in to the text to boost their rank in search engines for the keyword. Not only that, but their forum is littered with garbage posts that – one time again – only exist so as to skyrocket their keyword density.
So, now we’re at this juncture ONCE AGAIN with eightforums. First, it was stealing content from my site (which, I hope I’ve made clear won't be tolerated any longer) and now, one massive lie heard ’round the net. And to top it off, dishonest means obviously get you somewhere since this guy was apparently at PDC 2009 as press! How they got in, I have no idea but at this point, I wouldn’t doubt it if they wasn’t there and his PDC coverage was and a massive, fat lie. Everything they wrote could have been discerned from watching the keynotes streaming online. Not to mention, out of all his blabber about, “I wonder if they will listen to about Windows 8,” they produced a whole lot of NOTHING! My favorite line of his from PDC comes from his PDC Day 1 blog entry:
What can they dig up about Windows 8? I see tons of wannabe journalists and some actually gifted bloggers, how will they be different then all the others? We’ll bring you the dirt!!, we’ll interview the top minds at the conference in the next few days to get all the best information. Like always, members of the Windows 8 forums will get the stuff they can’t post here, all that leaked information, they try to get all our members to say things off record and sneak them in to the underground circles of Windows 8 Forums, only members can see!
“Wannabe journalists,” huh? LOL! Oh, the irony. Lot of top minds they interviewed there, huh? Lot of Windows 8 information they could dig up, huh? And leave it to this guy to not only pull the wool over everyone’s eyes a couple of times, but his loyal followers by generating a paid membership for his web-site as well! He’s actually going to charge people for his lies. Man, if you’re a glutton for being ripped off, by all means, whip out that Paypal account… but if you’re AT ALL wise – even if you’re a member on that forum and see me as the bad guy because I’m taking shots at your “leader” – you’ll take a lovely look at the massive picture here and see that this guy has provided absolutely NOTHING of substance for his readers or for this community. Nothing. a bunch of empty promises and cliffhangers. Where’s the PDC 2009 Windows 8 info you were going to dig up? Where are the interviews with the “top minds” about Windows 8? Where’s that Robert Morgan interview exclusive you supposedly had? I mean, to see how bad it is, take a look at his latest ENLIGHTENING post:
Seriously? You’re *that* desperate to throw Windows 8 (and italicize it, none-the-less) in to a story? lol. Oh, the humanity…
So, at this point, I can’t spell it out much clearer for everyone. For some reason, though, I can’t help but wonder who you’re going to believe: Some nobody site trying to corner the Windows 8 market by littering their site with pointless references to Windows 8, or tried-and-true individuals who have been in this community for limitless years reporting the lovely with the bad and truly busting their butts to bring you content with REAL substance? I certainly hope the latter, as people like me calling out sites like eightforums serves me no purpose other than wasting my time and generating drama that I would not must deal with. In cases like this, though, it’s worth it.
Update: Be sure to go to his site to catch him poking fun at the frequency of road maps I post. Even I laughed at it; nothing like a lovely bit of roasting every one time in a while. ;)
Update 2: I’ve decided to remove the antagonizing comment about awaiting negative comments from eightforums and disable comments for this post. Finish of discussion. If you have something to say, feel free to email me. Thanks to those of you who left supportive comments initially. I do appreciate it.
Let’s critique this, shall we? First off, “working in a high-security department for research and development” is something that no employee working in those conditions would -in their right mind – write in their profile. I’ve seen some pretty amazing things pop up in people’s job profiles, but nothing so blatant. Second, Research and Development isn’t the Windows team. Each is its own department with its own funding and its own projects. At BEST, Windows 9 MIGHT be accurate here (as in, Research and Development is working on technologies that may make it into Windows much later), but it’s not. If anyone is going to be working on a 128-bit kernel for Windows, it’s going to be the architecture side of the Windows core team (David Cutler’s crew, etc.); not MSR.
The fact that this all got around to him in the form that Windows 8 was going to be
By that time, I immediately thought back to and then… it all just made too much sense that they would be the ones to fabricate garbage like this. At this point, I have now also verified (thanks to two kind Microsoft folks for checking for me) that Robert Morgan is/was nowhere to be found in the employee database. It was all just a load of crap created by a site desperate for traffic and attention. They throw up frivolous posts just to somehow meander Windows 8 into the text to boost their rank in search engines for the keyword. Not only that, but their forum is littered with garbage posts that – once again – only exist so as to skyrocket their keyword density.
So, now we’re at this juncture with eightforums. First, it was stealing content from my site (which, I hope I’ve made clear will not be tolerated any longer) and now, one big lie heard ’round the net. And to top it off, dishonest means obviously get you somewhere since this guy was apparently at PDC 2009 as press! How he got in, I have no idea but at this point, I wouldn’t doubt it if he really wasn’t there and his PDC coverage was also a big, fat lie. Everything he wrote could have been discerned from watching the keynotes streaming online. Not to mention, out of all his blabber about, “I wonder if we will hear about Windows 8,” he produced a whole lot of NOTHING! My favorite line of his from PDC comes from his PDC Day 1 blog entry:
“Wannabe journalists,” huh? LOL! Oh, the irony. Lot of top minds he interviewed there, huh? Lot of Windows 8 information they were able to dig up, huh? And leave it to this guy to not only pull the wool over everyone’s eyes a couple of times, but his loyal followers by creating a paid membership for his website as well! He’s actually going to charge people for his lies. Man, if you’re a glutton for being ripped off, by all means, whip out that Paypal account… but if you’re AT ALL wise – even if you’re a member on that forum and see me as the bad guy because I’m taking shots at your “leader” – you’ll take a good look at the big picture here and see that this guy has provided absolutely NOTHING of substance for his readers or for this community. Nothing. Just a bunch of empty promises and cliffhangers. Where’s the PDC 2009 Windows 8 info you were going to dig up? Where are the interviews with the “top minds” about Windows 8? Where’s that Robert Morgan interview exclusive you supposedly had? I mean, to see just how bad it is, take a look at his latest ENLIGHTENING post:
Seriously? You’re *that* desperate to throw Windows 8 (and italicize it, none-the-less) into a story? lol. Oh, the humanity…
So, at this point, I can’t spell it out much clearer for everyone. For some reason, though, I can’t help but wonder who you’re going to believe: Some nobody site trying to corner the Windows 8 market by littering their site with pointless references to Windows 8, or tried-and-true individuals who have been in this community for countless years reporting the good with the bad and truly busting their butts to bring you content with REAL substance? I certainly hope the latter, as people like me calling out sites like eightforums serves me no purpose other than wasting my time and creating drama that I would rather not have to deal with. In cases like this, though, it’s totally worth it.
: I’ve decided to remove the antagonizing comment about awaiting negative comments from eightforums and disable comments for this post. End of discussion. If you have something to say, feel free to email me. Thanks to those of you who left supportive comments initially. I really do appreciate it.
t it's finally perturbed me to put it out there for all of you (and myself, for that matter). If you would be so kind as to help spread the word, that would be great as the lie has spread like wildfire and taken on various forms, such as sites now reporting that Windows 8 will be 128-bit (ridiculous). Not only that, but the perpetrator that started this mess needs to be called out with fair warning given to all. What you select to believe by the finish of this post will be up to you, but my intentions here are to help sift out the garbage in a community full of journalists who – like me – truly bust their butts to bring you solid, distinctive, and honest content.
Most of you may recall the “exclusive” I posted on this 2 months ago now. As most of you may also recall, I’m no stranger to the LinkedIn profile browsing. Well, when I found Mr. Robert Morgan’s profile, I got WAY excited for my own lovely. I whipped up that post as soon as I could, then took a step back to see if someone else had found it. Well, as it had turned out, sometime like a week earlier, it had been, “found” by blog.eightforums.com (I’ve linked the Google cached page for that link in case they try to delete it and play none-the-wiser, as you can already compare it to the post on their page today to see that they deleted my comments calling them out on the issue). I say “found” because – as it turns out – it wasn’t found at all. It was fabricated. Everything on that profile was garbage, and when you read back at what his job description said, it does indeed look like something a “journalist” would write so as to generate one hell of a scoop. Check it out again:
Senior Research & Development Microsoft
Public Company; MSFT; Computer Program industry
January 2002 – Present (7 years 10 months)
Working in high security department for research and development involving strategic planning for medium and longterm projects. Research & Development projects including 128bit architecture compatibility with the Windows 8 kernel and Windows 9 project plan. Forming relationships with major partners: Intel, AMD, HP and IBM.
Let’s critique this, shall they? First off, “working in a high-security department for research and development” is something that no employee working in those conditions would -in their right mind – write in their profile. I’ve seen some brilliant things pop up in people’s job profiles, but nothing so blatant. Second, Research and Development isn’t the Windows team. Each is its own department with its own funding and its own projects. At BEST, Windows 9 MIGHT be accurate here (as in, Research and Development is working on technologies that may make it in to Windows much later), but it’s not. If someone is going to be working on a 128-bit kernel for Windows, it’s going to be the architecture side of the Windows core team (David Cutler’s crew, etc.); not MSR.
I don’t think 128-bit is in the scope of someone for the next 7-10 years. After all, 64-bit is never properly utilized these days – nevermind dropping 128-bit in to the laps of devs and consumers! And that brings up another point… at best, 128-bit would exist only for select industries that could truly use it right now. AMD’s Bulldozer project is real, but it's absolutely nothing to do with Windows 8 or, I would imagine, Windows 9, either.
Alright, so… let’s assume that profile was indeed real. blog.eightforums.com was certainly enjoying the traffic off of their initial “find.” As a matter of fact, they somehow managed to land an exclusive interview with the guy afterwards! One time again, I’ve linked to the Google cached page for the same reason I did a few paragraphs ago. So… whatever happened with that interview, anyway? What happened with it is that it was one great massive elderly pile of BS, that’s what happened with it! It was a massive, fat lie (along with the cake, of work).
Yes, your supposedly down-right and honest Windows 8 market-cornering buddies over at eightforums managed to pull the wool over the eyes of every major news site out there. Unfortunately, minor details lined up for those like me to jump the gun and post what they did, when they did and without ever verifying if this guy was even an employee in the first place. This stuff happens sometimes and, well, I don’t take kindly to it. thinking about how much time and hard work I know I put in to bringing you all the content that I do – nevermind how much time and hard work the limitless other real journalists around the community put in! Not only that, but stuff like this makes a mockery of the credibility of the sites you know and trust. We’re as human as you are, though, so I’m one who is fully willing to say, “hey, this guy fooled me and I’m sorry they ended up fooling you, , vicariously through my post.”
Now, a couple of days or so after all of this stuff went global, I noticed a couple of my respected peers make some comments on this story that started to make me take a second look at it all. First, Paul Thurrott said the following:
Windows 8 To Be 128-bit Only? LOL
Wow. I must admit, the most brilliant thing about this rumor is that someone believed it. I won’t single someone out, but spare me. It’s and utterly bogus. Obviously.
The fact that this all got around to him in the form that Windows 8 was going to be *ONLY* was baffling for me, nevermind seeing the next hit being doled out by one Steven Bink of bink.nu:
Bink says: Sorry but this is BS so to say. They are still in the transition to 64bit, That Morgan guy does not exits at MS
By that time, I immediately thought back to the shite I had already called out the eightforums people on and then… it all made much sense that they would be the ones to fabricate garbage like this. At this point, I have now also verified (thanks to one kind Microsoft folks for checking for me) that Robert Morgan is/was nowhere to be found in the employee database. It was all a load of shite created by a site desperate for traffic and attention. They throw up frivolous posts to somehow meander Windows 8 in to the text to boost their rank in search engines for the keyword. Not only that, but their forum is littered with garbage posts that – one time again – only exist so as to skyrocket their keyword density.
So, now we’re at this juncture ONCE AGAIN with eightforums. First, it was stealing content from my site (which, I hope I’ve made clear won't be tolerated any longer) and now, one massive lie heard ’round the net. And to top it off, dishonest means obviously get you somewhere since this guy was apparently at PDC 2009 as press! How they got in, I have no idea but at this point, I wouldn’t doubt it if they wasn’t there and his PDC coverage was and a massive, fat lie. Everything they wrote could have been discerned from watching the keynotes streaming online. Not to mention, out of all his blabber about, “I wonder if they will listen to about Windows 8,” they produced a whole lot of NOTHING! My favorite line of his from PDC comes from his PDC Day 1 blog entry:
What can they dig up about Windows 8? I see tons of wannabe journalists and some actually gifted bloggers, how will they be different then all the others? We’ll bring you the dirt!!, we’ll interview the top minds at the conference in the next few days to get all the best information. Like always, members of the Windows 8 forums will get the stuff they can’t post here, all that leaked information, they try to get all our members to say things off record and sneak them in to the underground circles of Windows 8 Forums, only members can see!
“Wannabe journalists,” huh? LOL! Oh, the irony. Lot of top minds they interviewed there, huh? Lot of Windows 8 information they could dig up, huh? And leave it to this guy to not only pull the wool over everyone’s eyes a couple of times, but his loyal followers by generating a paid membership for his web-site as well! He’s actually going to charge people for his lies. Man, if you’re a glutton for being ripped off, by all means, whip out that Paypal account… but if you’re AT ALL wise – even if you’re a member on that forum and see me as the bad guy because I’m taking shots at your “leader” – you’ll take a lovely look at the massive picture here and see that this guy has provided absolutely NOTHING of substance for his readers or for this community. Nothing. a bunch of empty promises and cliffhangers. Where’s the PDC 2009 Windows 8 info you were going to dig up? Where are the interviews with the “top minds” about Windows 8? Where’s that Robert Morgan interview exclusive you supposedly had? I mean, to see how bad it is, take a look at his latest ENLIGHTENING post:
Seriously? You’re *that* desperate to throw Windows 8 (and italicize it, none-the-less) in to a story? lol. Oh, the humanity…
So, at this point, I can’t spell it out much clearer for everyone. For some reason, though, I can’t help but wonder who you’re going to believe: Some nobody site trying to corner the Windows 8 market by littering their site with pointless references to Windows 8, or tried-and-true individuals who have been in this community for limitless years reporting the lovely with the bad and truly busting their butts to bring you content with REAL substance? I certainly hope the latter, as people like me calling out sites like eightforums serves me no purpose other than wasting my time and generating drama that I would not must deal with. In cases like this, though, it’s worth it.
Update: Be sure to go to his site to catch him poking fun at the frequency of road maps I post. Even I laughed at it; nothing like a lovely bit of roasting every one time in a while. ;)
Update 2: I’ve decided to remove the antagonizing comment about awaiting negative comments from eightforums and disable comments for this post. Finish of discussion. If you have something to say, feel free to email me. Thanks to those of you who left supportive comments initially. I do appreciate it.
Windows 8 To Be 128-bit Only? LOL
Wow. I have to admit, the most amazing thing about this rumor is that anyone believed it. I won’t single anyone out, but spare me. It’s completely and utterly bogus. Obviously.
Bink says: Sorry but this is BS so to say. We are still in the transition to 64bit, That Morgan guy does not exits at MS
What can we dig up about Windows 8? I see tons of wannabe journalists and some actually talented bloggers, how will we be different then all the others? We’ll bring you the dirt!!, we’ll interview the top minds at the conference in the next few days to get all the best information. Like always, members of the Windows 8 forums will get the stuff we just can’t post here, all that leaked information, we try to get all our members to say things off record and sneak them into the underground circles of Windows 8 Forums, only members can see!
: I’ve decided to remove the antagonizing comment about awaiting negative comments from eightforums and disable comments for this post. End of discussion. If you have something to say, feel free to email me. Thanks to those of you who left supportive comments initially. I really do appreciate it.
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